imagine thinking it will be easy...

Imagine thinking it will be easy…

Being a father of young kids is hard. Not hard in that it’s a negative experience, it’s just full. There is a lot going on and if you’re doing it well you should feel stretched. That is a feature, not a bug. You are building something significant.

Imagine having the mindset that it would just be easy all the time? Even though you know the truth, it is all too easy to digress mentally. Intuitively you know that it’s hard, but you lose focus. Perhaps you're looking too much at the fake world of social media. Or reflecting on things you had to sacrifice to embrace your role as a father. Or maybe you just had a bad couple of days (sickness, sleepless baby, etc).

It’s natural to slip to the negative state, but that is minimizing and distracting from the work that is before you. The good and lasting work of building your family.

Don’t get sucked into a negative mental spiral. I’ve been there, and it doesn’t lead any place good.

Instead, stop it in its tracks. Stop and acknowledge that what you’re doing is hard. What you’re doing is of extremely high value. What you’re doing is building a legacy with your household.

Refocus on your “why”.

Then audit your immediate circumstance.

  • What has been happening the past few days?
  • Have you been sleeping and eating well?
  • Have you been exercising?
  • Have you been praying?

Regain perspective on where you are at. Then take the next step you know you need to take.

  • Go for that run.
  • Spend some quiet time in prayer.
  • Drink more water.

Do the work you know you need to do.

In the fatherhood arena with you,


PS - The January challenge in starting Jan 9th. We already have some men that are signed up. Join this cohort before it starts!

Hi! I'm Mike

My mission is to help fathers be more intentional and impactful in their role. I am a father of 5 (husband of 1) and I live in Grand Rapids, MI. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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