Thinking Long-Term with your family

How would your behavior change if you were really thinking long-term? What would you stop doing and what would you start doing?

This is a question I have been wrestling with a bit. Maybe it comes with age (my own, my parents, my kids, etc) or maybe it's a response to everything being so current in today’s culture.

A while back I chatted with Jeremy Pryor about the topic of a “Family Team” which is the manifestation of long-term thinking. The family is a team that is building something, that has been somewhere and is going somewhere. It is not a short-term mission just to empty the nest.

The idea alone challenges me to think deeper about the habits I am building and the things we are spending time and money on as a family.

Are we instilling this into our children?

Are we living with an Eternal mindset?

It is not a simple question but rather one that forces you to audit the things you are doing and step toward intentionality. My challenge to you is to do a personal audit of where you are leading your family. Do you have a long-term vision? Did your family have one?

Personal News

We are now a family of 8. We welcomed our 6th child (a girl!) in July. Everyone is doing well and we are adjusting and trying to not lose perspective.

🎙️New From The Podcast

Ross Simmonds - A SaaS marketer who shares some wisdom on intentional fatherhood.

Nate Fischer - A fascinating discussion on the work that Nate is doing with New Founding and the political landscape we find ourselves in.

Blake Smith - Talking family teams.

DAD GANG (Bart Z) - The Founder of talks its origins.

📚 Books & More

Awe of God - Exploring the fear of God (Proverbs says it is the beginning of wisdom)

Cool Videos Tesla Cybertruck review - Fascinating the engineering that went into it. Watch with your kids.

On the journey with you,


PS - as always I would love to hear your feedback, just hit reply.

Hi! I'm Mike

My mission is to help fathers be more intentional and impactful in their role. I am a father of 5 (husband of 1) and I live in Grand Rapids, MI. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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